ETC695 Dipity

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Q: Could you summarize the proposal review process?

A: After you submit your proposals to TS, I will present your proposals to the ETC faculty reviewers.  I will collect the feedback and/or comments from them in additional the decision they make.  Generally, we may receive 4 different results from them: Pass, Pass with revision; Resubmit with revision, or Fail.  If we receive Pass or Pass with revision, we can start development and implement our projects.  We do not need to resubmit our proposals, even we receive Pass with revisions.  If we receive Resubmit with revision, we will have at least one week to revise our proposals and resubmit for the second around.  For send around review, it is likely we will receive one of four different review results.  If we receive Fail in the first or second around, we will have to withdraw from the class and retake ETC695 in the future.  My role in the process is to support you to prepare your projects and to facilitate the ETC faculty reviewing process.  I am doing my best to help you so do not hesitate to contact if you need any assistance.  You can contact me at since I check my NAU e-mails more often than Vista e-mails. I would like to all of you have positive capstone learning process and see  you to walk across the stage at the graduation.

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